ACSA Leadership Coaches

The ACSA Clear Administrative Credential Program (CACP) is focused on developing leadership skills of current site and district administrators and is grounded in the California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (CPSEL). Leadership Coaches guide candidates in the two-year program toward competency in the CPSELs.
The job-embedded induction program involves face-to-face meetings with credential candidates in their work settings. A leadership coach is the most pivotal piece in a credential candidate’s program, providing support in meeting program requirements, self-assessment, goal setting, reflection and evidence of growth in the CPSELs.
Follow these steps to become an ACSA Leadership Coach:
- Contact the Local Program Coordinator (LPC) in the location you would like to coach.
- Apply to become an ACSA Coach (your responses will be shared with the Local Program Coordinator, who makes all placement decisions). While applying, you will be asked to upload the following documents:
- a copy or screen shot from the CCTC website of your valid Clear Administrative Services credential.
- a current resume.
- Register for the next ACSA Leadership Coach Training (ALC).