If the district is paying in full, please download the Regular Membership Application from the drop down menu on the right and submit it to memberservices@acsa.org, together with the district’s signed P.O. or the district’s credit card number (VISA/MasterCard).

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Download Membership Application Form:

Online application is down for maintenance and will be available on April 1, 2025. If you want to join ACSA, please contact member services.

Benefits by Membership Category

Benefits Regular Associate Student Retired Retired-
School Board
Membership Rates Annual salary as of June x 0.009 $250 $125 $125 $700 $1,000
EdCal weekly newspaper (print or digital edition)
Leadership Magazine (print or digital edition)
Discounts on ACSA professional development, up to 50% savings
Knowledge resources and publishing opportunities
Members-only discounts and special offers
Local networking events
Online Career Center
Serve as officers or directors at state, region, and charter levels
Serve as member on state councils and committees
Serve as member on region and charter councils and committees
Serve as officers or directors in charters for retired members
Professional legal assistance
Professional liability coverage
Retirees Interim Job Opportunities


Please fill in your name and personal email and click on the "Proceed" button

All fields marked with an * are required.

Invalid Email.


Please complete this form carefully, then press "SUBMIT" to send your application for processing.
The information requested below will remain confidential and will be used for ACSA purposes only. Information will not be sold to vendors or any third parties. - Thank you, ACSA Member Services

All fields marked with an * are required.

Payment Option*

Membership Type

Have you been an ACSA member within the last 12 months? *


What is your job classification?*

Profile Information

This information is used to correctly identify members for payroll deduction purposes and/or avoid duplication.
If retired, please enter your job title prior to retirement
Select All that apply

Contact Information

Home Address

Home address is used for contact in case you leave the district or retire.

Work Address


If I decline the publications I understand that I will continue to receive communications for membership billing and profile updates


Social Media

Would you like to volunteer and help shape the organization:*

Did an ACSA member refer you to join? If so, please tell us who.

Did one of our ACSA Membership Recruitment Team reach out to you? If so, please let us know who they are so we can acknowledge them.*

ACSA Affiliate Membership Opportunity

Check below to become a member in one or more of ACSA's official affiliates:


Click to Choose Superintendent or Other Admin





Other Affiliates

For membership information on CAAPLE or CALSA, Please check the box below and someone from CAAPLE or CALSA will contact you for direct billing.

*Contributions to support ACSA’s political activities are not tax deductible. ACSA retains sole discretion over use of member political contributions. Dues may be deductible as business expenses. ACSA estimates that the non-deductible portion of dues allocable to lobbying is 13.3%.

Annual Dues

Dues are prorated for the number of months remaining in the school year for members joining after July (For new members only).

Signature (Required for payroll deduction)*

Please fill the captcha*

Before you submit your application, please share with us your overall satisfaction with this application form. If you have specific suggestions about the form, we'd be happy to read them below, or you can send them to us at memberservices@acsa.org.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
It's quick and simple - 5 Stars if you think we did a GREAT job designing a form to help you provide all your important information - 1 Star if you think we could have done better - THANKS!!!
Specific comments about the rating above if you'd care to share them:
