Committees & Councils
About ACSA's Committees & Councils
Committee/council work serves two purposes within ACSA: expertise and networking. The two functions involve responding to issues in two ways. Committees/councils respond to and develop activities and resources related to board adopted issues and ACSA’s mission and vision, and they also act on issues specific to and identified by the committee/council itself.
Councils & Committees:
- Council membership is comprised of an elected President and a member from regions who either hold positions related to a specific job-a-like, who share a common interest, or work towards a specific goal. Councils develop Bylaws and operating rules which are reviewed by the Leadership Development Committee and approved by the board of directors.
- Committees are comprised of an appointed Chair and members that may or may not represent every region. Their primary focus is on the administrative/operational roles of the ACSA Board of Directors.
Special Committees:
From time to time, the Board of Directors has created special committees. The main distinction between special committees and regular ACSA standing committees is that special committees may serve a limited term and members are not selected on a one per region basis. Appointments to special committees are not made on a one per region basis, but are made by the state president after consultation with appropriate resource persons. The following criteria is considered:
- Expertise in the area specified by the committee's purpose and responsibilities
- Job alike representation and balance
Sub-Committees of the ACSA Board of Directors:
The Audit Committee, Awards Committee, the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee convene as subcommittees of the state Board of Directors. Four current directors will serve on the Audit Committee, chaired by the past president. Four current or past directors will serve on the subcommittee on awards chaired by the past president. Minimum of four directors, with the Vice President acting as chair, will serve on the Finance Committee. The five Board Officers with two members elected from the Board of Directors will serve on the Executive Committee. These subcommittees will meet as needed.
Councils | Committees |
To view a section of the ACSA Bylaws, Policies & Procedures, select from the dropdown menu below.
Committees & Councils
ACSA's effectiveness in shaping education policy at both the state and federal level lies in its grassroots strength. To that end, ACSA is structured with operational committees as well as job-alike and/or issue-focused councils made up of education leaders. The following are descriptions of each of ACSA’s committees and councils, as well as their purpose within the organization and contact information if you would like to learn more.
Council of ACSA/CAPEA Leaders
The following purpose of the Council of ACSA/CAPEA Leaders will advance the interests, needs and well-being of California students so that our schools will once again be the best in the nation and the envy of education worldwide. To identify and study issues in the areas of higher education, administrator preparation and licensing, professional development providers, and legislation for the purpose of building collaboration and informing policy. To work collaboratively to identify issues and concerns of higher education and K-12 public education, professional preparation and development, and partnerships among school districts, institutions of higher education, and professional development providers. To influence and contribute to the education research agenda. To identify issues and make recommendations regarding increasing diversity and membership in the ranks of education administrators and professors of educational administration. ACSA members will be practicing administrators, appointed by ACSA’s president. CAPEA members will be professors of education, appointed by CAPEA.
Staff Liaison: Tami Tooker, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Support Staff: Audrey Harmon, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: Tami Tooker, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Council of Adult Education Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues relating to adult education. To recommend legislative positions to ACSA and advocate for legislation that advances public adult education statewide. To actively enhance and promote adult education’s role with professional organizations, government officials, state agencies, school districts, business, industry, and the community at large. To plan and coordinate professional growth opportunities for administrators of adult education programs.
Staff Liaison: Serette Kaminski, ACSA Governmental Relations
Support Staff: Aryn Calvo, ACSA Member Services
Subject Matter Expert: Serette Kaminski, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Business Services Leaders
Purpose: To recommend associated state budget positions and serve as a quick response team on state budget issues that impact public education. To enhance and promote business services’ role within the education community. To build skills of business officials through workshops and conferences. To enhance communications with other ACSA committees, affiliated organizations, and state agencies in support of ACSA’s overarching priorities.
Staff Liaison: Kordell Hampton, ACSA Governmental Relations
Support Staff: Kristy Gilmore, ACSA Governmental Relations
Subject Matter Expert: Kordell Hampton, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Career Technical Education Leaders
Purpose: The purpose of the ACSA Council of Career Technical Education Leaders is to support administration and ensure relevant high quality CTE programs that prepare PreK-adult students for successful transition to careers and post-secondary education through: core integrated curriculum, legislation, advocacy, professional development, communication and collaboration.
Staff Liaison: Naj Alikhan, ACSA Marketing and Communications
Support Staff: Tracy Olmedo, ACSA Marketing and Communications
Subject Matter Expert: Serette Kaminski, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Co-Administrator Leaders
To educate and empower co-administrators and aspiring administrators (vice-principals, assistant principals, deans, coordinators, etc.) in their role as instructional leaders within their schools and communities.
- To promote networking and increase communication among administrators and aspiring administrators.
- To provide access to professional development and mentoring experiences.
- To increase awareness of the co-administrator's role and the importance of that role.
- To be mindful of the social & emotional wellness of students and staff.
Staff Liaison: Tami Tooker, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Support Staff: Audrey Harmon, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Classified Leaders
Purpose: To build and maintain a vibrant network of classified educational leaders who share a commitment to excellence in the service and support of all California students and are valued members of their leadership team. To develop and enhance professional growth opportunities for classified educational leaders, promote the benefits of ACSA membership, encourage participation and involvement in all levels of ACSA.
Staff Liaison: Janaye Field, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Support Staff: Elaine Cervantez, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: Janaye Field, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: Elaine Cervantez, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Council of Curriculum, Instruction and Accountability Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues and make recommendations on practices, policies, and positions to ACSA’s leadership and staff and to state agencies relating to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and accountability. To identify and disseminate best practices for administrators who work in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and accountability, to ensure student-centered instruction and services, which prepare all students to compete in an international society. To plan, develop, and coordinate professional learning programs, electronic media, and publications related to council business. To maintain liaison with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), including nominating WASC commissioners. To review all non-ACSA requests to conduct research using ACSA records. To maintain liaison with state agencies and other organizations which impact curriculum, instruction, accountability, interventions, assessment, and evaluation. To assist in ACSA membership recruitment.
Support Staff: Joanne Flowers, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Support Staff: Crystal Flores, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: Diana Vu, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Early Childhood Education Leaders
Purpose: The Council of Early Childhood Education Leaders is committed to improving the learning outcomes in the lives of young children (birth to 5 years old) to transition to kindergarten with essential skills as they continue their successful educational trajectory. The Council is committed and takes on the responsibility of serving a diverse cultural and linguistic needs of students and their families. The Council will focus on crucial standards such as developmental milestones; social and emotional learning; cognitive and physical skills; high quality professional development for Early Education administrators; and parental and community engagement.
Council of Educational Options Leaders
Purpose: To be the leader at the state level in promoting best practices in teaching and learning while promoting, supporting, and influencing accountability, programming, and credentialing, in addition to financial and legislative issues facing educational options program in the state.
Subject Matter Expert: Serette Kaminski, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Elementary Education Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues related to elementary and pre-school administrators. To recommend best practices and policies and to serve as advocates for high quality programs for all elementary and pre-school children. To serve as a forum in which elementary and pre-school administrators may resolve issues related to their professional efforts. To serve as a representative of elementary and pre-school administrators in meeting the goals and priorities of ACSA. To provide representation and leadership from ACSA to NAESP. To assist in the recruitment of elementary and pre-school administrators as ACSA members. To plan and coordinate professional growth opportunities for elementary and pre-school administrators.
Council of Equity Leaders
Purpose: To build the capacity in equity leadership and cultural proficiency of all educators within the organization and throughout the state of California to effectively eliminate all equity gaps.
In order to accomplish this purpose we will:
- Identify and research issues related to equity and diversity
- Develop strong recruitment and retention policies and practices to grow membership
- Recommend policies, practices, and resources which lead to quality instructional/educational programs and services
- Assist in the development of programs, resources, and materials to help leaders effectively respond to equity issues
- Establish partnerships and communication links
- Assist the board in implementing aspects of the association strategic plan
Staff Liaison: Tracie Noriega, Senior Director, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Support Staff: Crystal Flores, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: Diana Vu, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Human Resources Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues relating to professionals responsible for personnel, employer/employee relations and other human resources programs. To provide leadership, direction, clarification, and understanding in such areas as personnel practices, employer-employee relationships, fair and equal employment practices, contract management, negotiations, retirement, legislation, credentials, management team concept, individual rights, and staff-related issues. To plan, provide, and encourage in-service training for administrators in this area, and to maintain liaison between ACSA and the American Association of School Personnel Administrators. To assist in the recruitment of personnel, employer/employee relations and other human resources administrators as ACSA members. To promote the training and recruitment of individuals of diverse backgrounds as human resources administrators. To promote the highest standard of ethical conduct, assist local school administrators, and to assure due process to all members of ACSA.
Subject Matter Expert: Serette Kaminski, ACSA Governmental Relations
Subject Matter Expert: Elaine Cervantez, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Council of Middle Grades Education Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues relating to middle grades administrators and to recommend practices and policies which will lead to high quality programs for young adolescents. To strengthen a network for communication among middle grades administrators. To plan, provide, and encourage professional development programs for middle grades administrators. To assist in the recruitment of middle grades administrators as ACSA members. To encourage interaction and support between ACSA, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the California Department of Education, and other organizations and agencies promoting the interests of middle grades education.
Support Staff: Trish Elmore, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Retired Leaders
The Council of Retired Leaders will provide leadership on issues that affect current retirees and will eventually affect all ACSA members. Members of the council will seek continued participation, service, and inclusion in all aspects of ACSA's governance and activities to provide institutional memory and expertise. The Council will actively work and advocate with other members of the Retirement Coalition to protect, enhance, clarify and advocate for the benefits of STRS and PERS. Council members will also monitor and recommend action on state and federal legislation that potentially affect retiree issues.
Staff Liaison: Alice Petrossian, ACSA Member Services
Support Staff: Stephanie Bernardo ACSA Member Services
Subject Matter Expert: Dorothy Johnson, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Secondary Education Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues and make recommendations to ACSA Board of Directors related to secondary education. To recommend practices and policies which will lead to high quality programs for secondary students. To recruit secondary administrators as members and to maintain a liaison between ACSA, NASSP, C.I.F., and other state agencies relating to secondary education. To plan and coordinate professional development programs and networking opportunities for secondary administrators.
Council of Small School District Leaders
Purpose: To advocate small school district issues within ACSA. To provide the Legislative Policy Committee information on legislation that would affect small school districts in conformance with ACSA’s legislative platform positions. To provide training and information to support small school district administrators. To facilitate networking between CSBA’s Small School District Council and the Small School Districts Association Executive Committee. An opportunity for Small School District Superintendents to network and provide collegial support.
Staff Liaison: Margarita Cuizon-Armelino, ACSA Deputy Director
Support Staff: Aryn Calvo, ACSA Member Services
Subject Matter Expert: Kordell Hampton, ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Student Services and Special Education Leaders
The Council supports administrators in the areas of special education, student services, and coordinated youth services by: advocating best practices, policies, and legislation to ensure positive student programs; improving collaboration and communication between general education, student services, special education, and other support agencies and organizations; facilitating the development and understanding of current trends and financial issues related to their impact on student programs and services; planning and coordinating timely and meaningful professional development offerings for new and experienced school administrators; championing equity and inclusive practices to ensure access for each student; be an advisor to other ACSA Council, Committees, and ACSA Leadership, and assisting in ACSA membership recruitment.
Staff Liaison: Kordell Hampton, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Staff Support: Joanne Flowers, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Subject Matter Expert: Elaine Cervantez, ACSA Professional Learning Services
Council of Superintendent Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues related to the role and responsibilities of superintendents and proactively advocate for solutions. To strengthen a network for communication among superintendents. To be proactive in representing the viewpoints and vision of superintendents on critical education issues with a view toward influencing policy and practice at the local, state, and national levels. To plan strategies and practices which will influence the quality of education for all California students. To voice the critical need for stable, sound finance for educating California’s children. To represent superintendents in ACSA’s relations with the Governor’s office, Legislature, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction. To plan and coordinate professional development activities for superintendents and activities to enhance professional development of administrators and all school district positions. To encourage the active participation of superintendents and all other management team members in ACSA. To maintain a liaison relationship with AASA and other state organizations and agencies
Staff Liaison: Iván Carrillo, Senior Director, ACSA Governmental Relations
Support Staff: Kristy Gilmore, Political Affairs Coordinator, ACSA Governmental Relations
Subject Matter Expert: ACSA Governmental Relations
Council of Urban Education Leaders
Purpose: To identify and study issues relating to urban education. To emphasize the need to improve educational opportunity for children in urban school districts. To identify and articulate the unique concerns of administrators in urban school districts. To recommend solutions and/or courses of action to deal with problems and needs of urban schools. To identify and study issues and make recommendations on practices, policies, and positions to ACSA’s leadership and staff and to state agencies/legislators related to Urban Education.
Staff Liaison: Naj Alikhan, ACSA Marketing and Communications
Support Staff: Tracy Olmedo, ACSA Marketing and Communications
Subject Matter Expert: TBD
Leadership Development Committee
Purpose: Working with the board, define association leadership needs, set criteria and requirements, and then build programs, training and orientation strategies, mentoring/coaching opportunities, and other tasks that effectively develop leadership at the region, council/committee and board levels.
Staff Liaison: Margarita Cuizon Armelino, ACSA Deputy Director
Staff Support: Kristy Tinsley, ACSA Executive Department
Subject Matter Expert: Edgar Zazueta, ACSA Executive Director
Legislative Policy Committee
Purpose: To identify and study areas of needed legislation affecting ACSA members and public education. To solicit sponsorship requests from ACSA members, and to sponsor bills that improve conditions in California schools. To study proposed legislation and, based upon ACSA’s Legislative Platform and additional input from the Board of Directors, establish ACSA’s position on state and federal legislation. To assist in the establishment of the ACSA Legislative Platform.
Staff Liaison: Iván Carrillo, ACSA Governmental Relations
Support Staff: Jose Vargas, ACSA Governmental Relations
Subject Matter Expert: ACSA Governmental Relations
Member Services Committee
Purpose: To recruit, retain and recognize members. To identify trends and issues with membership categories that may require changes or adjustments. To support and help grow ACSA’s Partner4Purpose program in order to further meet the needs of members. To monitor and ensure that region and charter bylaws align with state ACSA bylaws and that region and charters are in compliance with these regulations.
Staff Liaison: Joanne Godfrey, ACSA Member Services
Support Staff: Alexis Rennacker, ACSA Member Services
Subject Matter Expert: Margarita Cuizon-Armelino, ACSA Deputy Director
Forms & Resources
Forms & Resources for Committees & Councils
Planning and Reporting Template
Leadership Assembly:
- Leadership Assembly Information
For information about the upcoming Leadership Assembly, please login to your member profile and click "Member Resources" then click on "Governance Meetings." - Governance Calendar
- Travel Reimbursement Form & Instructions
Download the current form with updated guidelines and instructions.
Leadership Training:
- Leadership Manual
View and download the complete Leadership Manual; view the Committee & Councils section for all training materials. - For all other training materials, please login to your member profile and click "Member Resources."
Networking Tools
Before adapting the template for your group, please be sure to make a copy – each template includes:
- a title slide (to be personalized for your Council or Committee)
- a slide with simple instructions
- slides labeled for officers
- slides labeled for participants
- last slide is the slide template.
Strategic Planning:
- Strategic Plan
Learn more about ACSA's current Strategic Plan
Council Nomination Form:
- Council Member Recommendation Form
(All Councils)
Committee Nomination Form:
- Committee Member Recommendation Form (All Committees)
Outgoing Committee & Council Member Certificate Forms:
Leadership Nomination Form:
Region Nomination Form:
Charter Nomination Form:
Virtual Networking Events
Virtual Networking Events
ACSA members have the honor to serve on committees and councils based upon job-alike functions or sharing a common interest or goal. Occasionally, some of ACSA’s committees and councils offer an open session, virtual networking event, where administrators are able to join others similar in their job position or interest to network and learn. These meetings are open to ACSA members as well as non-members.
Meeting dates and times are listed below and all will be held virtually. You must register using the Zoom link listed below each meeting date and time.
2024-2025 Virtual Networking Events
Adult Education
Business Services
Governor's Proposed Budget
Jan. 15, 2025, 2-3 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Career Technical Education
Feb. 25, 2025, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Classified Educational Leaders
May 14, 2025, 1-2 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Early Education
Educational Options
Elementary Education
Jan. 9, 2025, 9 a.m-12 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Human Resources
May 6, 2025, 1-2 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Middle Grades
Jan. 22, 2025, 9 a.m-12 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Member Services
April 15, 2025, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Secondary Education
Jan. 23, 2025, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Small School Districts
Urban Education
Jan. 16, 2025, 1-2 p.m.
Zoom Registration
Also of Interest
Council of Superintendent Leaders
ACSA’s Council of Superintendent Leaders meets virtually every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Please email Kristy Gilmore in ACSA’s Governmental Relations department to register.