Committees & Councils
About ACSA's Committees & Councils
Committee/council work serves two purposes within ACSA: expertise and networking. The two functions involve responding to issues in two ways. Committees/councils respond to and develop activities and resources related to board adopted issues and ACSA’s mission and vision, and they also act on issues specific to and identified by the committee/council itself.
Councils & Committees:
- Council membership is comprised of an elected President and a member from regions who either hold positions related to a specific job-a-like, who share a common interest, or work towards a specific goal. Councils develop Bylaws and operating rules which are reviewed by the Leadership Development Committee and approved by the board of directors.
- Committees are comprised of an appointed Chair and members that may or may not represent every region. Their primary focus is on the administrative/operational roles of the ACSA Board of Directors.
Special Committees:
From time to time, the Board of Directors has created special committees. The main distinction between special committees and regular ACSA standing committees is that special committees may serve a limited term and members are not selected on a one per region basis. Appointments to special committees are not made on a one per region basis, but are made by the state president after consultation with appropriate resource persons. The following criteria is considered:
- Expertise in the area specified by the committee's purpose and responsibilities
- Job alike representation and balance
Sub-Committees of the ACSA Board of Directors:
The Audit Committee, Awards Committee, the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee convene as subcommittees of the state Board of Directors. Four current directors will serve on the Audit Committee, chaired by the past president. Four current or past directors will serve on the subcommittee on awards chaired by the past president. Minimum of four directors, with the Vice President acting as chair, will serve on the Finance Committee. The five Board Officers with two members elected from the Board of Directors will serve on the Executive Committee. These subcommittees will meet as needed.
Councils | Committees |
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