Leadership Coach Training Programs
Interested in becoming a coach?
ACSA is seeking a dynamic, diverse pool of administrators who are interested in coaching the next generation of school leaders.
Complete this Coaching Interest Survey to join our cadre of potential coaches.
What is leadership coaching?
Leadership coaching is a form of individualized, job-embedded professional development evoking greatness in leaders. It’s about shifting the focus of a problem-solving, “fix it,” mentality to one of identifying strengths, exploring possibilities and designing a new way of being and doing.
Leadership coaching is about promoting a growth-fostering relationship between the coach and the leader to bring about transformational change.
ACSA Leadership Coaching emphasizes the application of adult learning, the importance of building trust and rapport, the value of being a good listener and the need to ask questions and provide feedback that promotes reflection and growth in new and experienced educational leaders.
The California Network of School Leadership Coaches (CNET) is geared toward both Certification of California Leadership Coaches and to the continuous development of coaching skills for leadership coaches not seeking certification. CNET is open to all leadership coaches who have previously completed ACSA Leadership Coaching (ALC). It is required for all individuals coaching ACSA Clear Administrative Credential Program (CACP) candidates, and for annual certification in all ACSA Affiliated Local Programs. All current and new coaches working toward their Certification as a Leadership Coach must enroll annually.
ACSA Leadership Coaching (ALC)
This six hour workshop is for individuals interested in serving as coaches to beginning and experienced school administrators, coaches in credential programs, instructors in instructional pre-service programs, and those responsible for the design and implementation of professional development. This workshop is required for ACSA leadership coach certification.
California Network of School Leadership Coaches (CNET)
This three hour workshop is geared toward certification of ACSA leadership coaches and the continuous professional development of coaching skills for any practicing coach.
The first 1.5 hour session of CNET training is in October
The second 1.5 hour of CNET training is in March
ACSA Leadership Coaching (ALC)
ACSA Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching is...
The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing program standards require coaching to acquire a Clear Administrative Services Credential. Coaches receive training in a research-based coaching model prior to working with a credential candidate. ACSA leadership coaching emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining trust, the value of being a good listener, and the use of questioning strategies to promote reflection and growth in educational leaders.
This six hour workshop, delivered over four sessions, is the first step to become an ACSA certified leadership coach.
Intended Audience:
- Coaches of beginning and experienced school administrators
- Coaches serving in school leadership training programs and administrative services training programs
- Instructors in educational administrative pre-service programs
- Coaches of teacher leaders
- Individuals responsible for designing and implementing professional development
- District leaders responsible for school leadership
For any questions, contact the Credentialing Office at
.Event Registration
Registration Fee: $650
Coaches participating the ACSA'c Clear Administrative Credential Program can contact their Local Program Coordinator to register for the ALC Series listed below.
ACSA Leadership Coach Training Series for ACSA Affiliate Coaches
ALC Coach Training Session #1 | February 24, 2025 from 4:00-5:30 PM |
ALC Coach Training Session #2 | August 25, 2025 from 4:00-5:30 PM |
ALC Coach Training Session #3 | November 3, 2025 from 4:00-6:00 PM |
Contact the Credentialing Office at with any questions.
California Network of School Leadership Coaches (CNET)
California Network of School Leadership Coaches (CNET)

The California Network of School Leadership Coaches is an ongoing community of learners engaged in providing face-to-face coaching and support to Clear Administrative Credential Program candidates and experienced school leaders. The network is geared toward the certification of leadership coaches and to the continuous development of coaching skills for leadership coaches not seeking certification. CNET is a three hour training with a fall and winter workshop.
Who attends CNET:
- CNET is open to all leadership coaches who have completed ACSA leadership coach training
- CNET is required for individuals coaching ACSA Clear Administrative Credential Program credential candidates
- CNET is required for individuals coaching in ACSA affiliated Clear Administrative Credential Programs
- CNET is required for individuals seeking certification as an ACSA leadership coach
For any questions, contact the Credentialing Office at .
CNET Registration
Enrollment for CNET can be completed by registering at the links provided below. Coaches participating in an ACSA Local Program do not pay CNET fees. For non-affiliate coaches, there is an annual fee of $185.00 (for both Fall and Spring meetings). Contact the ACSA Credentialing Office at for more information.
CNET 2024-25 Dates and Registration
CNET Coach Training 2024-2025
All sessions run 1.5 hours and are available at various times throughout the day. CNET is a two-day training with a fall and spring workshop. All sessions are virtual.
Please contact your Local Program Coordinator if you are interested in registering for the CNET training. ACSA will register coaches based on the list given to us by your Local Program Coordinator.